Manual steps for ROSA with Nvidia GPU Workloads
This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.
Install Nvidia GPU Operator
Create Nvidia namespace
oc create namespace nvidia-gpu-operator
Create Operator Group
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: nvidia-gpu-operator-group namespace: nvidia-gpu-operator spec: targetNamespaces: - nvidia-gpu-operator EOF
Get latest nvidia channel
CHANNEL=$(oc get packagemanifest gpu-operator-certified -n openshift-marketplace -o jsonpath='{.status.defaultChannel}')
Get latest nvidia package
PACKAGE=$(oc get packagemanifests/gpu-operator-certified -n openshift-marketplace -ojson | jq -r '.status.channels[] | select(.name == "'$CHANNEL'") | .currentCSV')
Create Subscription
envsubst <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: gpu-operator-certified namespace: nvidia-gpu-operator spec: channel: "$CHANNEL" installPlanApproval: Automatic name: gpu-operator-certified source: certified-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace startingCSV: "$PACKAGE" EOF
Wait for Operator to finish installing
oc rollout status deploy/gpu-operator -n nvidia-gpu-operator --timeout=300s
Install Node Feature Discovery Operator
The node feature discovery operator will discover the GPU on your nodes and appropriately label the nodes so you can target them for workloads. We’ll install the NFD operator into the opneshift-ndf namespace and create the “subscription” which is the configuration for NFD.
Official Documentation for Installing Node Feature Discovery Operator
Set up namespace
oc create namespace openshift-nfd
Create OperatorGroup
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: generateName: openshift-nfd- name: openshift-nfd namespace: openshift-nfd EOF
Create Subscription
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: nfd namespace: openshift-nfd spec: channel: "stable" installPlanApproval: Automatic name: nfd source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace EOF
Wait for Node Feature discovery to complete installation
oc rollout status deploy/nfd-controller-manager -n openshift-nfd --timeout=300s
Create NFD Instance
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f - kind: NodeFeatureDiscovery apiVersion: metadata: name: nfd-instance namespace: openshift-nfd spec: customConfig: configData: | # - name: "more.kernel.features" # matchOn: # - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod3"] # - name: "" # value: customValue # matchOn: # - nodename: ["special-.*-node-.*"] operand: image: >- servicePort: 12000 workerConfig: configData: | core: # labelWhiteList: # noPublish: false sleepInterval: 60s # sources: [all] # klog: # addDirHeader: false # alsologtostderr: false # logBacktraceAt: # logtostderr: true # skipHeaders: false # stderrthreshold: 2 # v: 0 # vmodule: ## NOTE: the following options are not dynamically run-time ## configurable and require a nfd-worker restart to take effect ## after being changed # logDir: # logFile: # logFileMaxSize: 1800 # skipLogHeaders: false sources: # cpu: # cpuid: ## NOTE: whitelist has priority over blacklist # attributeBlacklist: # - "BMI1" # - "BMI2" # - "CLMUL" # - "CMOV" # - "CX16" # - "ERMS" # - "F16C" # - "HTT" # - "LZCNT" # - "MMX" # - "MMXEXT" # - "NX" # - "POPCNT" # - "RDRAND" # - "RDSEED" # - "RDTSCP" # - "SGX" # - "SSE" # - "SSE2" # - "SSE3" # - "SSE4.1" # - "SSE4.2" # - "SSSE3" # attributeWhitelist: # kernel: # kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig" # configOpts: # - "NO_HZ" # - "X86" # - "DMI" pci: deviceClassWhitelist: - "0200" - "03" - "12" deviceLabelFields: # - "class" - "vendor" # - "device" # - "subsystem_vendor" # - "subsystem_device" # usb: # deviceClassWhitelist: # - "0e" # - "ef" # - "fe" # - "ff" # deviceLabelFields: # - "class" # - "vendor" # - "device" # custom: # - name: "my.kernel.feature" # matchOn: # - loadedKMod: ["example_kmod1", "example_kmod2"] # - name: "my.pci.feature" # matchOn: # - pciId: # class: ["0200"] # vendor: ["15b3"] # device: ["1014", "1017"] # - pciId : # vendor: ["8086"] # device: ["1000", "1100"] # - name: "my.usb.feature" # matchOn: # - usbId: # class: ["ff"] # vendor: ["03e7"] # device: ["2485"] # - usbId: # class: ["fe"] # vendor: ["1a6e"] # device: ["089a"] # - name: "my.combined.feature" # matchOn: # - pciId: # vendor: ["15b3"] # device: ["1014", "1017"] # loadedKMod : ["vendor_kmod1", "vendor_kmod2"] EOF
Wait until NFD instances are ready
oc wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.numberReady}'=3 -l app=nfd-master ds -n openshift-nfd
oc wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.numberReady}'=5 -l app=nfd-worker ds -n openshift-nfd
Apply nVidia Cluster Config
We’ll now apply the nvidia cluster config. Please read the nvidia documentation on customizing this if you have your own private repos or specific settings. This will be another process that takes a few minutes to complete.
Create cluster config
cat <<EOF | oc create -f - apiVersion: kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: gpu-cluster-policy spec: migManager: enabled: true operator: defaultRuntime: crio initContainer: {} runtimeClass: nvidia deployGFD: true dcgm: enabled: true gfd: {} dcgmExporter: config: name: '' driver: licensingConfig: nlsEnabled: false configMapName: '' certConfig: name: '' kernelModuleConfig: name: '' repoConfig: configMapName: '' virtualTopology: config: '' enabled: true use_ocp_driver_toolkit: true devicePlugin: {} mig: strategy: single validator: plugin: env: - name: WITH_WORKLOAD value: 'true' nodeStatusExporter: enabled: true daemonsets: {} toolkit: enabled: true EOF
Wait until Cluster Policy is ready
oc wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.state}'=ready clusterpolicy \ gpu-cluster-policy -n nvidia-gpu-operator --timeout=600s